At GAS Global, our commitment to meeting the energy industry’s manpower needs knows no bounds, as the global market never sleeps. Discover more about our Global Resource Center. 

Welcome to the Global Resource Center (GRC). Situated in Bucharest, Romania, the GRC's strategic location and operational hours amplify GAS Global’s workforce solutions, delivering enhanced benefits to clients' investments in manpower. The GRC was established upon GAS Global’s unwavering dedication to its workforce and commitment to people. 

The GRC streamlines logistics and communication, significantly reducing turnaround time and ensuring optimal solutions for manpower requirements: 

Sourcing and recruitment support 

Logistics and travel support 

Payroll and tax support 

Bureaucratic and legal support 

Enhancing overall workforce endeavors, domestically and globally, the GRC employs over 30 global recruiters who work on rotational shifts to provide timely coverage and access to a worldwide talent pool. Furthermore, human resources, legal, and accounting specialists operate on rotating shifts, ensuring comprehensive coverage for manpower needs and supporting operations worldwide. 

Connect with one of our professionals to learn more!